Growing up Deaf in Indonesia, Mufi was taught to speak rather than sign. Her early diagnosis led to a move to the capital for education where oral communication was emphasized, leaving her isolated within her family. Only in adulthood did she embrace sign language with close friends. Now, as a Deaf artist, she seeks to inspire through sign language expression. Mufi aspires to collaborate with creatives locally and globally, though she still grapples with fears about her future despite her success.
24 min | 2023
Documentary | Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia with English subtitles
Director: Riani Singgih
Wednesday, 4 Oct 2023
13.00 Institut Kesenian Jakarta
Thursday, 5 Oct 2023
19.00 IFI Yogyakarta
Saturday, 7 Oct 2023
16.30 SAE Institute Auditorium